Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day 2008

I think Father's Day and Mother's Day are fast becoming my favorite holidays. Mother's Day is great, because I don't have to lift a finger, except to get ready for church. Once I get there, I get to listen to one speaker after another tell the congregation how wonderful us Mother's are. Then, when I get home I go sit on the couch and wait while my family serves me my favorite foods. Somehow, it doesn't seem fair that Jacki, who is a mother of 2 kids, is the one preparing my meal. The men clean the kitchen while I enjoy Corey and Connor.

Yesterday was Father's Day, a favorite for the opposite reason. I love just as much being the one serving Bob, as he is honored. Funny thing though, on Mother's Day at church all the speakers tell Moms how amazing they are, but onn Father's Day they tell the Fathers how great they should be.

Yesterday was a beautiful Spring Father's Day as Brian, Jared, Emily, Jacki and Terence came over along with the grandsons, Corey and Connor. Jacki spent several days last week scanning photos and creating an amazing "Daddy, This is Your Life" movie/slide show. We spent 12 minutes watching our lives flash before our eyes and it was amazing. I have always known that my life was filled with blessings and I have seen those pictures a hundred times, but this time it was different. I remember the days that most of those pictures were taken and I could even identify who the baby was in most of the pictures. There were pictures of laughter, kids doing things they would have gotten in trouble for at the time, and even happy tears. Somehow all of the difficult times we had have faded into a distant memory and we only remember the good. We have been so blessed!


The VanderHoevens said...

Any boy over 5 ought to be ashamed at this - "Somehow, it doesn't seem fair that Jacki, who is a mother of 2 kids, is the one preparing my meal."

Anonymous said...

I love those same days! I would love to see Jacki's presentation!